We offer bulk powdered gypsum, as well as professional delivery and application. Gypsum is used to increase water hardness and for clearing excessive clay turbidity in lakes and ponds. A minimum of 20mg/liter total hardness is recommended in fisheries, as calcium is a basic and necessary mineral in the make-up of all forms of aquatic life. In fisheries with total hardness levels < 20 mg/liter, we recommend adding 1-2 tons of gypsum per surface acre.
Gypsum is the ideal product for remediation of muddy water conditions, because it is not harmful to aquatic life (even in excessive quantities), improves water quality by increasing hardness, and is an all-natural product. Muddy water is suitable for catfish, but other sight-feeding species like bass, and sunfish will suffer in excessively turbid conditions. If you have a pond or lake with muddy water, we can help! Provide us with 2) 1 gallon water samples in clear water jugs for analysis, and we will determine the feasibility and the correct amount of gypsum needed for your particular situation. Cost for the water testing is $50. We also run simulations with alum when necessary. Typical application rates of gypsum for clearing muddy water are 1/2 ton - 2 tons per acre-ft.
Base price for gypsum is $195 per ton. Powdered gypsum product is available for pick up at our live fish market, and measured/loaded with a tractor bucket. We quote all of our gypsum applications based on laboratory simulation.
We offer bulk powdered agricultural grade lime, as well as professional delivery and application. Lime is used to increase water hardness and alkalinity. A minimum of 20mg/liter alkalinity is recommended for ponds and lakes. A simple water test for alkalinity can help you determine if you need to apply lime to your fishery. We provide basic water quality testing services to assess the need for lime application ($35 water testing fee) . Typical application rate for lime is 1-2 tons per surface acre.
Base price for superfine agricultural lime is $95 per ton, and product is currently available for pick up at our live fish market.